Cigar Labels
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Cigar Stud keeps making strides in the social and viral arenas every time it puts its very own Cigar Bar on display at events and parties. Why? The allure is evident on different levels: the branding personalization options, the coolness of the station actors, the cigar-in-hand photo-ops by the Bar, and the wealth of captivating info about cigar lore and smoking technique. On the coattails of this last benefit, the curated DIY options now feature the services of a hostess (please see below for scheduling and pricing). A hostess will be a great addition to the entire process, as she expands on questions and doubts that may be raised, delivers fascinating historical tips on the cigar smoking realm, and aids in the cutting and lighting process for all participants to fully enjoy the experience.
Ladies and Gentlemen, here now, is the Do-It-Yourself option, specially designed for smaller parties, gatherings, and events. Plus, for a limited time, sign up for Cigar Stud newsletter and blog comms and we will send you a $75 off promo code to sweeten the deal.
Cigar Labels
Click on the label to select it.
AND SAVE $100!*
Use coupon: BOOK
* For packages with 50 cigars or more at events in Florida.